Easy Trader Joe’s: Roasted Red Pepper Tortellini Soup!

This recipe is part of my “Easy Trader Joe’s” series where I have accepted the fact I cannot cook. and instead feed my family dishes comprised of 3-6 signature Trader Joe’s ingredients. To call these “recipes” is far too generous, and to call them a “hack” implies there is some sort of skill involved. No, no. Your girl can’t separate egg whites. No skills required. Enjoy!

It’s February. It’s cold. We want SOUP. This is one of my family’s absolute favorites. First thing’s first though, Trader Joe’s has some delicious creamy soups. I highly recommend their Creamy Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper. I accidently got the low sodium version this time and it was super ‘meh.’ Unless you’re actually watching your sodium intake, don’t get this version. It made the soup more watery and less flavorful.


  • Creamy Tomato or Roasted Red Pepper Soup
  • Sausage of Choice
  • Cheese Tortellini
One pack/container of each is all you need!


  1. Cook soup and tortellini on stovetop at medium heat (never boil) for at least 10-15 minutes or until tortellini is tender. Stir occasionally.
  2. Cut sausages into bite sized pieces and cook in separate pan on medium to medium-high heat until heated through. This is a great opportunity to add some seasoning as well. My all-time favorite is Trader Joe’s “21 Seasoning Salute.”
  3. Add sausage to soup. Cook/stir an additional 5-10 minutes. Allowing all the flavors to meld together. Done!

We go back and forth between the “Sweet Apple Chicken Sausage” and the “Italian Style Vegan Sausage.” The sweetness of the chicken sausage adds a nice flavor contrast to the cheesy tortellini, so it’s my favorite for sure.

We ate this the other day for lunch after playing in the snow all morning and everyone agreed it’s a perfect “Snow Day” soup. Creamy, cheesy, meaty, filling… what’s not to love?
