“Christmas Vacation” Themed Aunt Bethany’s Jello Mold Shots

Despite the comedic genius of several actors in the classic movie Christmas Vacation (lookin’ at you, Randy Quaid), let’s be honest, Aunt Bethany is the real star of the show. She doesn’t appear on-screen until the last third of the movie, but it doesn’t matter. Every, single line of hers is quote-worthy. “Don’t throw me down, Clark!” “Is Rusty still in the Navy?” Kills me every time.

Since Christmas Vacation is my family’s absolute favorite of all holiday movies, I decided to get extra festive with this year’s watch party. One of the elements I knew I had to recreate was Aunt Bethany’s jello mold. But of course, why not make it jello SHOTS? Now we’re getting festive!

If you don’t remember, Aunt Bethany and Uncle Lewis visit the Griswolds on Christmas Eve. Aunt Bethany brings two wrapped gifts, one is her Jello Mold (“It’s lime!”) and the other is her cat. Her actual cat.

The lime jello mold makes an appearance on the dinner table when the entire family sits down to eat their holiday meal and if you look closely, you’ll see cat food on top of the jello. Clark asks, “Aunt Bethany, does your cat by any chance eat jello?” Everything about it is eww, bless her heart.

Everyone loves jello shots, no matter the age. They’re quick, easy, fun, and rare at parties where the hosts are over 30. Which is exactly why I like to serve them every now and then. It’s pretty unexpected.

To make jello shots Aunt Bethany would be proud of, you’ll need the following things:


  • Lime Jello Mix
  • Lucky Charms
  • Flavored Vodka (we love Pinnacle’s “Whipped”)
  • 2 oz. Plastic Cups with Lids (these are the BEST)
  • “Virgin” Jello Cups for the Kids (optional)


When making jello shots, you always want to follow the recipe on the back of the jello box, but you’ll replace cold water with cold alcohol. This recipe makes about two dozen.

  1. Following jello instructions on box, add jello mix to two cups of boiling water. Stir for two minutes until powder is completely dissolved.
  2. Add two cups of cold, whipped vodka and stir for one minute to combine thoroughly. (If you forget to put the vodka in the fridge ahead of time, you can always put it on ice for a minute or two before adding to the jello mix.)
  3. Pour into small plastic cups and refrigerate until jello is firm, about 5 hours, but overnight is best.
  4. Once firm, add the non-marshmallow cereal pieces of Lucky Charms on top to look like cat food. Enjoy!

NOTE: I find that some people (old people) prefer little spoons to eat their jello shots with because no one ever taught them how to “slurp” one down in the old days. And good for them, quite frankly.

I gave a lot of thought to using a Bundt pan to create an authentic jello mold, but decided to go with my trusty jello shot cups instead. Maybe next year. It would be such a statement. I have to do it for a centerpiece at least!

They were a total hit at the party! They tasted a bit like key lime pie. I think Aunt Bethany would have been proud! 🙂