Easy and Efficient Potty Training: Make it Fast and Fun!

Disclaimer: This is a long post. I didn’t hold anything back. This is ALL the tips and tricks. Also, if you were to tell me ten years ago that I’d spend an entire week passionately writing an article about potty training methods, I’d have called you a dirty, dirty liar.  I can’t start a “How to Potty Train Your Kid” post without first saying that there…

12 Tips for Buying and Selling Kid Clothes

They’re small. They’re cute. They’re addicting to buy. Kid clothes accumulate so quickly; it’s like they multiply overnight. Keeping track of your “inventory” is like a never-ending job of organizing, especially when you have more than one kid. I can’t be alone in this, right? Every season, I go through all our kid clothes and it’s like “Battle of the Piles.” There…